
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I'll Tumble for Ya

Yes, I just quoted a Culture Club song...wanna make something of it?

I hate wearing shoes and socks. I'd rather be barefoot. Since I can't be barefoot all the time (stores have those silly "no shirts, no shoes, no dice" rules), I wear flip flops as much as humanly possible. As long as it's not raining or snowing, I really try not to wear shoes.

Jason & I disagree on what constitutes appropriate footwear. He loathed my crocs. I am almost 100% positive he tossed them to JoJo for her to chew up. That's how much he hated them. I thought they were the most comfortable things on earth, and I said wearing them was like walking on marshmallows.

He's always saying that flip flops are only for the beach, they're not safe to wear all the time, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So, yesterday, since it was above 40*, it was flip flop weather for me. I managed to do just fine in my lethal footwear until Youth Group. The front of my flip flop got caught in a crack in the sidewalk, and BOOM. I folded like a card table. I put out my left hand to break my fall (thankfully I didn't break my wrist), and my right knee hit the concrete. Luckily, I was wearing jeans, so I didn't break the skin.

Being on the stupid blood thinners, I have a new fear to add to my list of irrational fears (which includes falling and birds) - bleeding to death.

Now Russell's reaction was the best...he said, "well, if you were really hurt, I'd get to drive home" (Russell has driven with his learner's permit exactly once. In a parking lot).
Yeah, so THAT was going to happen. Not.

ok, bruised and a little sore, but I'll survive.

And I'll survive while continuing to wear flip flops.

So there.


  1. Oh, beware! When you get older like moi, things DO start to break easier. I did the same flip-flop trick you did, but instead fell right down in my kitchen. Not on cement, you say? Didn't matter. I used both arms to break my fall and things broke all right...both of my arms! Yep, broke both arms in the same spot, near the elbow.

    Went to ER the next day, cause I thought it was a really bad sprain. Please note, I was up all night in acute pain. Stupid ER only x-rayed one arm, thought the other was just badly bruised. They said x-rays showed no breaks. Okay then. I suffered a few more wks until my doc sent me to another hospital where they found the breaks. The rest is history and still lots of aches when it's cold and damp. That was a year ago.

    I can't stress it enough...BE CAREFUL!!!

    On another note, I wear crocs a lot of the time and do just fine in those. Tell THAT to hubby!! =P

  2. Gee, you're joining me. I fell, luckily not in front of the entire student body (had I fallen an hour later, that would have been my nightmare). Skinned up one leg (I'm sure you saw the lovely roadrash picture I posted) and sprained my ankle. PT starts tomorrow. Wheeeeee!
