
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rockin' the Suburbs

Last week, Jason emailed me the link to an article in the Washington Post. A blogger had an article written about her take on living in Suburbia (a place she has dubbed (Snoburbia). Check it out here: http://blog.snoburbia.com/

So, I read the article in the Post, then started reading the Blog. I must admit, I started reading both with a clear vision of who the author was referring to, and believe you me, never in a million years did I think it would be my family.Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. I, evidently, live in the Snoburbs (oh, and for those wondering how to pronounce it, it's SNOB-urbs). I blame Jason...and his brother's family.

One of the tell-tale signs that you live in Snoburbia is that you vacation in the Outer Banks....and then put an OBX Sticker on your car. Up until four years ago, North Carolina was merely a blip on the map in my way when I was trying to get to Florida. Then, Jason's brother and his wife said we should go to the Outer Banks for vacation. I was skeptical...I mean, I live 90 minutes from some lovely beaches in Delaware. Why in heaven's name would I want to drive for 64 hours* to get to a beach? (*driving time estimated only)

But, I agreed...to a vacation with Jason's Family...brothers, sisters-in-laws, parents...(and by the way, Jason didn't even get to go. He got sent overseas with work. That is a blog in and of itself. Trust me).

Have I mentioned how much I hate to drive? I'm not sure if I have, so let me just say this, I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate driving. I especially hate driving in a strange place; not to mention with a car full of kids to boot.

So, we get there, and I fall in love. I heart OBX (except for Ocracoke Island - I'll save that story for a rainy day). Now being a fool for stickers (which I know I have related my love of), I buy an OBX sticker and slap in on my minivan. In my constant quest to not totally blend, I don't get one of those oval black & white stickers. Nope, mine is maroon and has a lighthouse. But I love it just the same. This summer will be our fourth summer there. I can't wait.

Back in Snoburbia, there is another tempest in a teapot brewing. This one has nothing to do with vacation destinations, but with pets. Dogs, in particular. Families in Snoburbia aren't content with Labs, Mutts, or any dog you have ever heard of. Snoburbians like "unique" breeds of dogs...like the dog Jason picked out, our Belgian Malinois, JoJo. I do have to admit, though, unlike the person skewered in the Post Article, Jason actually gets a kick out of people recognizing that JoJo is not a German Shepard...or a Mutt.

After reading the article, and the blog, I called Jason to let him know I have read up on Snoburbia. He said, "it's totally us."

Hmmm...I guess I'll be better prepared to address that after I eat some Nutella.

1 comment:

  1. I love that blog! I live in the southern-NJ Snoburbia region and all of this is SO true! Plus, she makes it funny.

    I completely admit to feeding my daughter a chocolate (oh, sorry, Nutella) sandwich on cinnamon-swirl bread (no multigrain here) for lunch.
