
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Things I do For Love

Jason went in for his physical so he he could attend Scout Camp with Cameron, and his doctor put him on the South Beach Diet.

This means that *I* am now on the South Beach Diet. Umm....yeah. The Cupcake Queen...the chick who an eat stuffing on a sandwich...the chick who fervently believes that Ben & Jerry's is one of the four food groups.

Jason is a bread junkie. The lack of bread is the hardest part for him right now.
In fact, he said last night that he would punch a sixth grader in the face for a baguette. Luckily, none of our children are in sixth grade. But any of y'all with sixth graders and french bread, you have been warned.

I've actually found it easier than expected to change how I eat. The two problems I have are.... #1 I hate most vegetables and #2 with the blood thinner meds I take, the types of vegetables I can eat is restricted as well.

So, I've had to do something I've been avoiding since I became an adult. I'm eating vegetables. Since I was a child, and certain vegetables were forced upon me, and I threw up, I've avoided them. The other night I made mashed cauliflower, and I ate it (without getting sick). Last night, I made a pan full of summer squash & zucchini...and ate it (without getting sick). I will say, although mashed cauliflower will never come close to conquering my love of mashed potatoes, it wasn't a wretched substitute (the kids may argue that point).

I haven't been brave enough to try broccoli again yet. I don't know that I ever will.

You may be asking yourselves if I am so loathe to eat vegetables why I agreed to go along with this. That's easy. I'm lazy, and I didn't want to become a short order cook making a zillion different dinners each night. OK, that and the fact that I want to be healthy....and support Jason in his journey....

....And buy a bunch of new clothes.

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