
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Party of Five

JP is now (mostly) moved into his apartment at school. There were a couple of things that couldn't fit into his truck (that had he let Jason or I help him move wouldn't be sitting in the middle of his room here), but other than the mess he left behind, he is no longer a full time resident of this house.


Only five dishes were placed on the table last night for dinner.

double sigh

While I was wrapping my brain around all this, evidently the wheels were also turning in Cameron's pea brain. As Jason & I were lying in bed last night, we heard crashes and scuffling above our head.

I started laughing because I knew that Cameron was trying to make the bed so he could sleep in JP's now (mostly) empty room. Cameron has been waiting for this day for years. As much as he will miss his brother, he has been drooling with anticipation over having his own room.

I've tried to explain that JP will return for weekends, Christmas Break and summers. Cameron's reply? "He can sleep on the couch." We'll see how that goes over with son #1.

After JP left yesterday, I went into his room. I was going to throw a pity party for one, but after looking at the carnage left behind from his packing, all I could do was take a picture, and start making a mental list of things to tell him about housekeeping.

So, here's the list so far:

1. You have a hamper. Use it.
2. Don't leave wet stuff on the floor.
3. Change your sheets. Weekly would be awesome.
4. That stick with the bristles on the bottom is a broom. It is useful for cleaning up messes.
5. If something spills, wipe it up right away.
6. Clean the bathroom. Weekly would be super awesome. (also, see #5)
7. Science experiments can grow in the refrigerator (again, see #5)
8. Doors have locks. Use them.
9. Locks on doors need keys. Don't lose them.
10. Call/text/Facebook your parents even when you don't need anything
11. Eat a vegetable once in a while. French fries with ketchup do not count.
12. There is no laundry fairy at college. Don't overload the washer, and use cold water to wash your stuff. I know you won't separate lights from darks, and you don't want a pink wardrobe.
13. Check your snail mail. You never know what might be in there.
14. Saying "thank you" for snail mail pretty much ensures you will continue to get it.
15. Visits home ensure care packages being sent back with you.


  1. Hugs to you, Bridgitte! Remember way back when we thought that they'd never grow up? Now they did, and it feels so odd. Just to encourage you, David has been out of our house for almost 6 months now, and our relationship is better than ever. He is learning so much on his own. We'll make it through this together :)

  2. Where was this very useful list last year when I needed it??? We're a "table for 4" here, and I'm worried about how he'll do this weekend with the hurricane coming, and I know that bathroom won't get cleaned. Despite the fact that I packed him Lysol wipes, Comet, and a toilet brush.
