
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Barefoot and Bonkers - An Introduction to Me

Well, I'm not really. I do have cute flip flops on. You get my drift, though. The bonkers part, well, that's pretty much spot on.

Summer vacation is finally here after the longest, coldest, snowiest, most awesomest (yes, I know that's not technically a real word, but cut me some slack) winter ever.

I'm not an expert on any subject, nor do I pretend to be. Well, maybe I pretend just a little bit. My opinions are no more valuable than anyone else's, but I'd like to think they may be a tad bit funnier. As the Mother of 4, Aunt to 11, Sister to 2 and friend of some, I do have a unique (read: totally skewed) viewpoint on family, friendship, food and fun.

My life is crazy, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My house isn't always immaculate, the socks don't always match, dinner some nights is Domino's or Cocoa Pebbles, but if I can't laugh about it, what's the point?

I like watching the crazy "reality" shows on VH1...I love all things 80's...I love Barry Manilow...I believe cold pizza is still a perfectly acceptable breakfast...I was put on this planet to be a mom...I have made my children cry with just a look...My bloodstream is probably made up of 3/4 Diet Mountain Dew...and lastly, if you don't have anything nice to say about somebody, come sit by me.

You may be asking yourself about the name of the blog...I'm not always crabby, but I do live on the Shore, and we're known for the crustacean type crabs. That's my story, and I am stickin' to it.


  1. Terrific, Bridgitte! I would never have know 1/2 of this about you. Well, maybe 1/16th.

  2. So much of you is in your genes...your grandmother was so much like you raising all four of us, making certain that we could swim, had some musical experience through instruments or dance and song. Cooking came from Nana, looks, well who knows, sense of charity and caring from all of our forebearers, as well as our ability to love. Your blog is fun and serious. Just love your writing style.
