
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Dingo Ate My Baby

As I have said previously, life in my house is nowhere near perfect. Case in point: my seven month old nephew has just begun to crawl. And he is fast. After 6+ months of him being a lump, albeit an extraordinarily cute lump, I forget sometimes that he is mobile.

So, all hell breaks loose at my house. I've got the phone ringing, the Schwan's man at the door, the dog barking, my brother in law coming to pick up my nephews, JP trying to leave the house to pick up Cameron from his cousin's house...get the picture?

I'm trying to help my brother in law get the boys scooped up, and...I lost the baby. My house is not big. All the doors to the outside were shut tight. I do not see the baby anywhere. I tell my brother in law that I have, indeed, lost the baby. He looks at me and says, "he's not in the crib?" Crap! Did I put the baby in the crib? Nope. I look in the bathroom (the only room with an open door). No baby. I come back to the dining room where my brother in law and the Schwan's man are standing.

While I am racking my brain about where the baby could have hidden, the Schwan's man (who is used to the craziness in my house) looks up and says," you're looking for the baby? He's right here by the back door." Very helpful.

I may attach a homing beacon to the baby tomorrow. Just in case.

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