
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Searching for My Long Lost Shaker of Salt

During all of my latest round of pokings and proddings, it was determined that I have high blood pressure. I really wasn't surprised because #1, what HAVEN'T I been diagnosed with? and #2 my two younger siblings are both on high blood pressure meds. Did I mention they are YOUNGER than me? Anyway....

I went to the grocery store so I could feed the wild indians, Jason & myself. That had to have been the singularly most depressing shopping trip I have ever been on. There is sodium in everything. Every-fricking-thing...soda, flour, milk, cereal, bread...Jason looked at me and wailed,"what are we going to eat?!?!"

Now, I didn't mention it to him at the time, but really, I could have kissed him right there in the middle of Safeway for using the word "we" and not "you." But, he has this weird thing about PDA, and well, I was too depressed over having to quit my Diet Mountain Dew habit cold turkey to muster up the energy to plant on on him. So, we went schlumping down the aisles, looking for sodium free sustenance.

In addition to not being able to have salt, foods/drinks with Vitamin K and Phosphoric Acid are also on the banned substances list for me. So, I can eat iceberg lettuce (which does NOT count as a leafy green vegetable) and drink water. And that's about it. More or less.

So, when I got home, I did the first thing I could think of. I went online and ordered two Low Sodium Cookbooks. I haven't cooked anything out of them yet, but at least having them in my possession gives me a little ray of hope.

What I could really use is a big ol' glass of Diet Mountain Dew.

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