
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I spy with my little eye....

Most of you know I spent last Wednesday evening in the Emergency Room with problems breathing (and if you didn't already know, you do now). I am a people watcher by nature. I love to sit and observe (judge) all the weirdos around me. The ER is a fantastic place to people watch...even on a Wednesday night. Friday & Saturday nights are the undisputed champs of ER people watching though.

Having grown weary of the people waiting to be seen by ER Staff, I began to concentrate on the ER Staff themselves. There were the older volunteers who spoke gently and quietly and smiled constantly. There were the nurses that were trying to meet up for their "lunch" break at 1 am. There were the Security Guards...some that looked like they could snap you in half with their pinkies, and some that looked like they couldn't even catch a cold (and that particular guard was trying to woo the nurse behind the counter with his copies of GQ magazine and Car & Driver).

There were two nurses that caught and held my attention for very different reasons. Both were guys. The first one looked like he should be a movie star. He was, quite literally, tall, dark & handsome. What endeared him to me was not his good looks, though. When he came to check on me, he asked if the Vampires had gotten to me yet. I just looked at him and laughed while saying that that's what I called the blood drawing nurses too. He did tell me not to tell the girls that's what he called them. I could see his point. You don't want to tick off a gaggle of chicks with sharp objects at their disposal.

The second nurse was a wee little man. I don't think he even came up to my shoulders. I remarked that he looked like he should be an elf. He had the bluest eyes that twinkled when he smiled, and he made a point of smiling every time he passed a patient. I didn't hear him speak until he came to take me back for my Cat-Scan.

He had an accent. A French Accent. I'm pretty sure I was slack-jawed when he started talking, because I didn't expect that voice to come out of that elfin little body. It was a very soothing voice, which is exactly what you need after getting huge needles jammed into your veins by the Vampires. He brought me a warm blanket, explained what was going to happen during the Cat-Scan, and then he vanished behind the bunker while the Scan happened. Seriously...it was a concrete walled room with a glass window (which was probably 2 or three feet thick to protect them from what I was being subjected to).

After the Scan, he walked me back out to the Waiting Room, and I swear, my first thought was that I would love to put him in my pocket and take him home. Being stuck in the ER for six hours will make you think of things like this.

Trust me. It made perfect sense at the time.

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