
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baby Love

My sister, Heather, claimed from a very early age that she hated kids. Me, I could spot any baby in a 50 mile radius and ask to hold her. I figured I would grow up to the be "Old Woman who lived in a shoe." My sister figured if she ever had kids, she would send them to my house, visit occasionally, and pick them up when they turned 18.

Then I had JP. Heather stayed with me towards the end of my pregnancy with him. I chose her as godmother. Three more babies came. She said she hated all kids but mine. Uh huh.

Between the births of Cameron & Paige, my sister in law (Jason's brother's wife) gave birth to a baby boy. Every time I would get near him or try to hold him, he would cry. I mean, the gut wrenching, she's going to sell me to the gypsies or boil me in a stew cry. Never in my life had a baby reacted that way to me. It just didn't happen. Ever.

Guess who he loved? Yup. My sister the baby hater. He looooooooooved her. Couldn't get enough of her. She, of course, thought this was hilarious. Me, not so much. Not that it made me bitter or anything. I tried everything in my power to win that baby's affection, and I failed miserably. He was having none of it.

So, I waited. And, as babies do, he turned into a toddler. I don't know what changed, but all of a sudden I was no longer Public Enemy #1. (Now of course, I'd love to say that Heather was, but she wasn't. He still loved her to bits. Dammit.) As he got older, his hair went from dirty blonde to platinum, and his eyes were the bluest blue (please note his father has strawberry blonde hair, and his mother has brown hair). He looked like he could be one of mine.

In fact, one day at Preschool, his Mom picked him up instead of me. One of the teachers walked up to her and asked, "and you are?" She said, "I'm his MOTHER." Ooops.

The Preschool had a "Grandparents and Special Friends Day," and he chose me to come because I was "fun."

Fast forward a few years, and Heather not only found a boy willing to marry her, but they had two beautiful boys of their own. They both look like me. When I am out with Heather & the boys, people assume they are mine. I tried to remind her what she said about me getting to have them until they are 18, but she is having none of it.

I guess even baby haters (I mean zebras) can change their stripes.

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