
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I enjoy being a girl...

When I was a child, I loved nothing more than playing with my Barbies and baby dolls. I loved doing their hair, dressing them up, etc.

After having three baby boys, when Paige came, I was ready to play with my real life baby doll. It worked out great when she was teeny. I could put her in pink dresses with bloomers and matching headband and socks to my heart's content. I couldn't do anything with her hair though, because she was bald until she was about 2. Once she did grow hair, I had visions of french braids and cute barrettes and pony tails.

Paige had other ideas. She hated her hair being done. I mean, she HATED it. A bunch. So, my dreams of her having Rapunzel like hair were shattered. If she wouldn't let me brush it, it would have to be cut short. Fine. I could still pick out cute frilly things for her to wear.

Yeah, that worked out well, too.

Paige loves dresses, but they have to be comfortable dresses. Nothing too fussy. No belts, itchy stuff, buttons or gee gaws. Plus, they would have to withstand her riding her bike in them, digging for worms, chalking up the sidewalk....you get the picture. Unlike me, Paige is not afraid to get dirty...even while wearing a dress.

As she has gotten older, she has been able to come with me to my salon appointments. It's a three hour proposition when I go, so it takes a lot of patience (and a few bribes on my part) to keep her occupied. She was particularly interested in my pedicures. She would sit and watch the process totally mesmerized. I can't remember what the occasion was when I made the appointment for her first pedi. It may have been her birthday.

Well, she was hooked. It helps that Carrie (the nail technician) is young, fun, and treats Paige like a grown-up. Over the past couple years, Paige has had four or five pedicures. It's fun to watch her enjoy herself. Earlier this month, Paige asked to get a pedi. I had to get her hair cut, so I made a double appointment. Paige was adamant about having green toes for St. Patrick's Day.

I snapped the picture while her feet were soaking. She had no idea I took it, and I love that out of the stack of magazines available to her, she chose this one.

It was serendipitous.

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