
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The horror of it all

I believe my love of music has been pretty well documented. I am by no means an expert, but I do know what I like, and it's a fairly eclectic catalog.

I also know what I don't like (see: AC/DC). There are singers that I don't listen to, and I will, in fact, turn the station if I hear them on the radio (Josh Groban is at the top of that list). When the radio stations start playing Christmas Music, I know it will be a Josh Groban-athon, and that just about turns my stomach (oh, and on that note - I'm so punny- the radio stations should be switching to 24 hour Christmas music in two weeks. Yippee!).

Usually, I can tell after one or two songs that I am not going to like an artist. So here's my conundrum...I had heard a song on the radio several times, and I really liked it. I never managed to catch the name of the artist, and honestly, by the time I got home, I had forgotten the lyrics of the song, or even that I wanted to find out who sang it. It was one of those kinds of songs.

Fun, catchy, light....but totally forgettable (as Jason would point out, that summarizes 99.9% of the 80's music I love). 

You have to imagine my shock and dismay when I got into the car, and it came on the radio. The DJ announced the artist, and it was Michael Buble. Seriously? I have avoided getting sucked into the Clay Aiken/Josh Groban/Adult Contemporary Singer du jour vortex for goodness sake, and I now find myself singing along to Michael Flippin' Buble.

How far the mighty has fallen.

Hmmmm....I wonder if *he* has a Christmas album out....

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