
I'm no Martha Stewart or Mary Poppins. I may even swear occasionally. I am not anything but myself, and trust me, some days that's even more that I can handle.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When 2+2=20

Math is not my strong suit by any means, but even I know that 20 > 2.

Now, my four indians obviously outnumber Jason and I, but since Jason & I have two hands,  4 = 4. We may be outnumbered, but we still have enough hands to cover zone defense when needed.

It was announced on the Today Show this morning that the Duggar Family is expecting their 20th child. If you live under a rock and don't know who the family is, they  have a tv show on TLC. Unlike the Gosselin Family (Jon & Kate + 8), the Duggars are making babies the old fashioned way, and obviously, they are pretty darn good at it. Another difference is that the tv show is not the Duggar's sole means of support. For goodness sake, they even built the house they are living in themselves!

Paige is a huge fan of the show, so I confess that I know more about the Duggars than I really needed or wanted to. And of course, I have opinions on the family. LOTS of them.

#1. They are bat guano crazy. I love babies. I do. You put me in a room with a baby, and I will find a way to hold the baby, and keep holding the baby and not share. However, if I had a baby every 18 months for 20+ years, I would be so sleep deprived, that I would end up with 20 kids...and a padded room in the loony bin. This mama needs sleep.

#2. The irony is not lost on me. The family is very conservative, and they don't allow kids to watch tv, but the kids are ON tv. The older kids (and JimBob &Michelle) also have iPhones.

#3. The doctors who haven't told her to quit having babies should be strung up. I don't care what your religious views are, there comes a point when the mother's health & well-being must come first.

#4. There is not enough time in the day. I have four children. There are days when I want a clone just for driving to get the kids where they need to be. And laundry? I do five loads a day usually. I cannot even begin to fathom the amounts of laundry that 20 kids generate. Even with the extra washers & dryers the Duggars have, it must take freakin' for-EVAH to get it done.

#5. Better them than me. I hope that Michelle has a totally uneventful and smooth pregnancy and that baby #20 is a healthy little bundle of joy...oh wait, they already have a child named Joy...ummm....bundle of joviality. Is that a word? Well, it is now, and I guess it's also a contender for the 20th "J" name they have to come up with.

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